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Lucchesi working on his throw (IRWT)
Andreani in a 1v1 contact session (IRWT)

Created in the initial months of the pandemic, which brought European professional clubs’ development processes to their knees at the beginning of 2020, IRWT® has quickly carved out its own special place in the world of high-level international rugby.

Founded by a professional scout with a decade of experience in high-level international rugby, in both recruitment and the development of potential, and supported by collaborations with professionals from all over the world, IRWT® now offers comprehensive support to the players of the future, as well as advice to established athletes committed to the highest levels of Old-World sport.

Based in London, the cradle of rugby and centre of international finance, IRWT® can guarantee complete and effective professional support for athletes through a range of services designed to align with participants’ specific training needs and the consolidation of their competitive careers, thanks to fast and direct access to all the big clubs of the Northern Hemisphere.

Through direct, face-to-face assistance and continuous long-distance support, the IRWT® model is training a new generation of highly competentcompetitive, and responsible athletes.

Despite having a strong connection with the best international professional clubs, IRWT® remains an independent organisation because it is based on a highly personalised method, one which aims to identify the best possible path for the growth of each individual athlete.

Our model is based on allowing entry to a limited number of participants (a maximum of three new athletes for each sports season) to ensure optimal tracking of their growth. For precisely this reason, one of the fundamental aspects of our work is applying a long and careful selection process to those who wish to join our family.

We offer direct and indirect support to athletes who wish to fill in gaps in their skillset and/or improve specific aspects of their game. We plan our interventions in a non-invasive way, in compliance with any other club programs in which athletes might be engaged.

Everything related to professional growth off the field, essential to the training of a high-level athlete, is followed carefully, with interventions aimed at improving performance readiness and performance itself.